
Colin Walsh
Colin joined the SIMI in 2015, primarily focusing on standards within the industry and consumer disputes. In 2017, he joined the HR team as Industrial Relations Officer.
He has qualifications in employment law and in human resource management, he is also a registered member of the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD). Colin has 20 years’ experience within the Motor Industry at all levels, starting as an apprentice mechanic, where he completed his qualification before moving on to service management roles.
He brings insights to his role from multiple vantage points on employment relationships within the industry. Colin specialises in negotiation, representation and HR management.
Teresa O’Neill
Teresa commenced employment with the SIMI in 2007, starting out in the Customer Standards and Dispute Resolution section where she honed her skills in negotiation and consumer law. Teresa further progressed into our statistical services where she has gained valuable insight into the marketing trends within our Industry.
She was responsible for the implementation of an upgrade to our statistical website Motorstats, the complete online vehicle index for Ireland, and provides key Motor Industry statistical information along with overseeing its distribution on our various websites.
She also contributes to the SIMI Quarterly Motor Industry Review. Teresa undertook the role of HR Officer in 2017 and has a qualification in Employment Law. She currently advises members on all aspects of Employment Law and HR Management.
Our team has consistently delivered up to date information and advised members on navigating the Temporary Wage Subsidy Scheme, the Pandemic Unemployment Payment, the Return to Work Safety Protocol and all employee relations/employment law matters that arose as a result of the restrictions.
Member companies with less than 150 employees are at a scale where HR management needs to be addressed but where the expenditure required for a full-time HR specialist cannot be justified, the SIMI HR service has been successful in assisting hundreds of member companies.
The SIMI HR Service has primarily provided support to member companies with employment law advice, representation in employment cases and industrial relations (IR) support in union negotiations or trade disputes. While advice on other HR issues has been provided to members, this has primarily been reactive in nature and is sought by members after problems or issues have arisen in the employment relationship.
Changing employment landscape
The employment landscape in the Motor Industry in Ireland is undergoing radical change through rising standards and increased legislative obligations.
Employers are required under legislation to put in place procedures and policies to deal with a wide variety of issues such as disciplinary action, dismissal, grievances, health, safety and welfare, terms of employment, dignity and work, pensions, protected disclosures, equality law and much more. These responsibilities have increased the burden on employers. However, given the size of many dealerships, the burden of employing a full-time HR manager is too great.
Strength of SIMI HR Service Team
The SIMI HR Service is different to other companies providing similar services as the SIMI possesses the sectoral knowledge of HR which is unique to this industry. There is also no cost to member companies as the service continues to be, as it always has, included as part of membership.
The SIMI HR Management Service aims to:
Assist and advise members in complying with equality legislation from advertising a role within the company through the entire recruitment process;
Advise on recruitment, induction, performance review, training needs assessment, retention, succession planning, redundancies, grievance and disciplinary procedures;
- Advise and provide draft contracts and company handbooks to comply with terms of employment legislation;
- Review all HR practices on an ongoing basis;
- Provide representation at Workplace Relations Commission (WRC); and,
- Assist at Union negotiations or Trade disputes.